• Mar 08, 2025

Pathfinder 2e Inventor Guide

Pathfinder 2e Inventor Guide - So i have been looking at the inventor class and building a few on pathbuilder to see how they'd work out and the construct companion gets surprisingly beefy for a minion, but its attacks. Classes are the mechanical heart of characters in pathfinder 2e, defining your characters’ advancement, their capabilities, and the majority of their feats. Crafting in pathfinder 2e is more accessible than ever before. Most staple items like magic weapons, healing potions, and boots of elvenkind no longer require a caster level or. Inventor is no different. The inventor is surprisingly mad, even for pathfinder 2e. You need intelligence to support your class features and skills, but you’re also sort of a martial class so you need some. Inventor is a great fit for intelligent characters looking to branch out and learn new tricks, especially alchemists, who are already good at crafting and may appreciate unstable options. I love the inventor, however i'm not sure if the level 1 inventor class feats are worth picking up natural ambition, unless you have 2 specific feats in mind that you want to take. If so, then go. An inventor is an unstable martial character with a bag of tricks. Exactly which tricks is up to you. Like the alchemist it initially looks a bit inferior as it doesn’t get to use its.

So i have been looking at the inventor class and building a few on pathbuilder to see how they'd work out and the construct companion gets surprisingly beefy for a minion, but its attacks. Classes are the mechanical heart of characters in pathfinder 2e, defining your characters’ advancement, their capabilities, and the majority of their feats. Crafting in pathfinder 2e is more accessible than ever before. Most staple items like magic weapons, healing potions, and boots of elvenkind no longer require a caster level or. Inventor is no different.

Pathfinder 2e Inventor Guide